
Tamed, he is supreme among those those are tamed,
At peace, he is sage among those who are at peace,
Freed, he is free among those are free,
Delivered, he is best among those who are delivered.
The Buddha is the mind,
And the mind is the Buddha,
He who stills all formations,
arrives at wisdom of the Buddhas,
Knowing all things as they are,
and creating no more karma.
All things and their non-existent parts,
are empty and interdependent.
Likewise they are impermanant,
and constantly changing at whim.
Thus the wise sage sees the jailor,
and no longer creates his own jail world.
Content with the present moment,
he abides in mindfulness with ease,
No longer overthinking about past or future,
he enjoys solitude and tranquility of mind.
His thought is quiet, quiet are his deeds,
when he has obtained freedom, he has become quiet.