
GABA and glutamate... excitation and inhibition, 
the mind dwells in the duality of two extremes, 
and when it is in one side, it craves another, 
but meditation brings it in the middle. 

I wandered the path of life, 
seeking meaning in small things, 
while the mind open and awake, 
but this bottle of whiskey and couple beers
took away the tranquility of being at peace. 

Alcohol, they say, disinhibits your true feelings, 
But for me it only takes me away from true self, 
It induces laziness, distress and lethargy, 
while reducing my attention to small details. 

The Buddha taught that he who has self control, 
who makes decisions through wisdom and virtue, 
Him he calls a a noble one, and no one else. 

Meditate daily, O mind, and develop virtue of giving. 
Do not waste time in idle pleasures of intoxication. 
It not only takes peace away, but also success, 
So like a lion, amongst the sheep, roar with discipline and ease.