Rainy Afternoon

Ponds of water collect outside, 
The rain seems to pour down the slide, 
Clouds are gray and sun is hidden
But inside the mind, there is nothing forbidden. 

Inside the house, I hear some sounds, 
They are not too loud but still audible, 
I open the window to smell fresh air, 
And what I feel is nothing but aware. 

When the mind is aware, 
it takes the back seat share, 
it lets things happen without affair, 
it watches the world in simple state. 

To seek more is to suffer, 
To seek too little is boredom, 
But to be alive you need just one thing, 
A mind that is like a vast, undisturbed, ocean. 

Realize that all things are pure in nature, 
Conflict and misery only arise from unclear vision, 
To live with love, kindness and compassion, 
That is the great way of all religions.