
The mind is always drifting, 
It wants to do this or that
It judges things good or bad,
It clings to things with desire and hatred. 

Plans afer plans are made, 
One appetite leads to another hungry ghost, 
Rationality and discipline in conflict with ease, 
The mind always worrying without peace...

So, how can I be at peace?
Do not cling to attachments, 
When things come your way, 
Be flexible and adapt quiety.

I run, and I sit, I work and I eat, 
To be in stillness is not to be motionless, 
To be in stillness is for mind to be conflict-less
So balance motion and station, but strive for unity. 

Conserve thy energy, so it is used
where there is need and duty.
Don't have a headache over
missed things-motivate to do
that which is right- to run but be still.