Seed of Stillness

Breathing in long, I know I am breathing,
Breathing out long, I know I am breathing,
Neither supressing, nor forcing,
I sit cross legged in zazen,
A thought arises in my mind,
I smile at its transient effect.
Unifying the mind, it becomes still,
Concentrating the mind, it becomes calm,
When all taints of desire and hatred vanish,
The sage becomes full of bliss and cherish.
The mind that rushes to the past,
or one that clings to the future,
finds only suffering and dissatisfaction,
But that mind, which is fully present
effortlessly and with ease rests in peace.
Thus, be such, be such to live with ease.
Ashamed of our hindrances, we clinch the ego,
Defending ourselves, we blame others,
Yet he who uses obstacles as teachers,
and always simplifies his relations,
he is the one who grows out of seed,
making a tall tree that gives shade in need.