
When the mind becomes quiet, 
it sees the nonduality of self and other, 
and spontanesouly without hesitance, 
the mind wishes benefit of all beings together. 

They way of native Colombians is very admiring, 
They give, give and give more and more, 
but they ask not for anything in return. 
Thus they live in peace only when everyone is at ease. 

They pray to the sacred mountains and rivers, 
they eat the food spared by plants and trees, 
they live together and laugh at small things, 
And then they meditate on the birds that sing. 

A moment never passes without a smile, 
for when things go astray and wild, 
the Colombians shine forth their spirits of the divine, 
Calmly and with much love, they continue their ride. 

Because they are selfless, they see goodness in others, 
Becvause they are spiritual, they see oneness in all, 
Because they ask very little, they receive a lot, 
And because they are humble, they find no fault.