The Traveler

The breeze moves the trees, 
The clouds drift the skies, 
The sun burns the winds, 
But the traveler rests in his hammack at ease. 

In rest, the traveler becomes still, 
Pondering nothing, he watches the birds, 
Deep peace penetrates his heart, 
And now his journey is ready to start. 

Moving by day, resting by night, 
the traveler observes changes in nature, 
he observes different cultures and their needs, 
he observes different families and their deeds. 

He thinks: here I am observing, 
people of all sort are living uniquely, 
In each person, there is a spirit, a drive, 
and that drive is to be truly alive. 

Existential thoughts only confuse the mind. 
But the traveler lives simply in ease, 
he enjoys the ride, and laughs through the tides, 
'cause he knows all are one and one is none.